Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Snug As A Bug, In A Rug, Storms In The South West of Australia

Well, I'm as ready as I could be. I have put everything that might become a flying frizbee in 'The Critter Shed'! Don't like putting stuff in there, the rabbits, bandicoots, possums, rats and lizards, make lots of mess, and, the burrows underneath the floor boards generate heaps of red dust. Combined with the leaking roof, it's not my favourite place to store things, except for fertilisers etc. But it will have to provide shelter for other things other than the critter tonight. You might like to see one of the maps I have been watching (here..)
The Margaret River, river mouth today. People often ask me about when the river and sea meet. I dont think we are far off it.
I've got the house all toasty and warm. After my chores I sat down with a beer, and now have a lovely glass (in my case, an italian ceramic wine cup) of red wine. The dogs have been fed and have spent time in the garden fetching balls in readiness for the down pour of rain, the lightening, thunder and winds expected to peak at 125 kms an hour. It could potentially take my little roof off. That's the reality. And, not just for me.
Near the river mouth, the calm and sunny before the storm
The whole of the South West of Western Australia has been preparing today. We also had a storm the other afternoon. I was in Perth and saw the weather maps in the morning. Realising the weather systems were moving through really quickly, took the opportunity to make a run for it and follow the storm down the coast. I was hours after, traveling through sunset into darkness. It was a bit hairy. Huge trees downed everywhere. Luckily all had been cleared by the time of my run. Bunbury was in darkness. Traffic lights not working and some confusion. Margaret River seemed to have lights and I was thrilled to see that I would have power when I arrived at the little shackette. Not to be, apparently a huge tree had been uprooted in the next street to me, bringing down the power lines. I reckon the people left without power all headed to the pub. Will remember that for next time.
A fallen pine @ Prevally. Not a clear shot. This obviously happened a couple of days ago. Im a bit shocked actually. The old pine has been hit a few times by lightening and survived the bush fires. But it is just behind a sand hill and over it has gone.
The house was colder inside than it was outside. I lit all the candles I had, and in a weird kind of way thought that this was kinda romantic. I got the Lamb Shank Soup out of the freezer, thinking that the power hadn't been off for all that long, got that warmed up on the gas stove and had some toasty croissants and apricot jam for dessert. Not forgetting the glass of wine!
The boat ramp at Gnarabup. The White Elephant has closed for winter. You can see the tide washing up and over the jetty today.
All this wind and apprehension as to my physical well being and those I love and am responsible for...re the storm has brought back a plethora of memories. My behaviour seems to follow a trend. 'Make safe... eat whilst you can (as my digestion goes into lockdown).... and have a glass of wine......!' Now you know why I gave up drinking for 10 years!?
Looking up the beach from the jetty at Gnarabup
I remember, gosh, not sure how long it would have been.. 20 years and more ago, 'we' were in the big boat, MV Marabou. Had pulled into Port Stevens on the east coast, Corlette Point. We anchored, had two radars on the go. Storms were coming from different directions and we had just heard on the local radio that lightening had chased a few golfers across the green. I had just prepared and eaten a beautiful bream fillet curry (fish courtesy from some fisherman mates in Crowdy Head), the storms were converging on our little boat. Even though we were well and truly anchored we had both motors running. At the height of the storm, we could not see the shore only a relatively short but safe distance away. The wind indicator was stuck on max, and lightening was hitting the water near the boat and electricity was arching off and on and around the boat, making an almighty racket. That curry, as delish as it was just sat in my stomach.
Looking to the west, looking for the storm
This storm is just starting to hit. The dogs are becoming restless, the power fading every so often. The tv is going all weird. Its only 6pm ish and I am ready to bunker down in bed. I can't and don't want to think about much. It's just my way. Gone into 'fright or flight'. But at least I am prepared. And, how's this, couldn't even finish my glass of wine. Nigh night.

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